Stuff I Want To Manifest : To Feel Like a Sex Goddess
Use this Sex Goddess charm to manifest your deepest desires. This mini card comes with a magical kiss charm to surround yourself with good vibes. These cute little charms make great gifts or tokens of affection. Help your loved ones get exactly what it is you’re looking for.
Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make come true! Let’s DO THIS! Surround yourself with signs that keep you on track!
- Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths
- Visualize what you want the universe to bring you and exactly how it will make you FEEL when it’s here… really feel it.
- Ask the universe to bring your wish and say, “Thank You.”
- Tuck this magical package into your purse, pocket, bag, glove compartment, or put it on your mirror, vision board, or altar.
- Now let it go, forget it, and let the universe do its job. Keep your eyes and your mind open… good things are on the way!
Each 3 x 3 package comes with a manifesting card and instructions on how to manifest, plus a super attractor Magical Power Object to carry with you or pin to your vision board to make it come true. You can keep it all together in the bag or carry the Magical Power Object in your purse or pocket separately!
Slip it into greeting cards, gifts, pockets or purses.
Attach it to your vision board, mirror or altar.
SKU: MSC-8309
UPC: 811104031001